Atomic Wallet | How do I create a wallet? - Atomic Wallet Knowledge Base

Atomic Wallet is a decentralized multi-currency wallet that allows users to manage, exchange, and stake various cryptocurrencies within a single platform. As of my last knowledge update in January 202

Atomic Wallet is a decentralized multi-currency wallet that allows users to manage, exchange, and stake various cryptocurrencies within a single platform. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Atomic Wallet has gained popularity for its user-friendly interface, wide range of supported assets, and built-in atomic swap functionality. However, keep in mind that developments may have occurred since then, so it's advisable to check the latest information from official sources.

Key Features of Atomic Wallet:

  1. Multi-Currency Support:

    • Atomic Wallet supports a diverse array of cryptocurrencies, including major ones like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and a multitude of ERC-20 tokens. This multi-currency support allows users to manage various assets in one wallet.

  2. User-Friendly Interface:

    • The wallet is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced cryptocurrency users. It provides an intuitive environment for managing and interacting with different digital assets.

  3. Atomic Swaps:

    • One of the standout features of Atomic Wallet is its support for atomic swaps. Atomic swaps allow users to exchange one cryptocurrency for another directly within the wallet without the need for an intermediary. This feature promotes decentralized and trustless trading.

  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility:

    • Atomic Wallet is available on various platforms, including desktop applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as mobile applications for iOS and Android devices. The cross-platform compatibility allows users to access their funds and manage their portfolios on different devices.

  5. Staking:

    • Atomic Wallet offers a staking feature that enables users to stake certain cryptocurrencies and earn rewards. Staking involves participating in the consensus mechanism of a blockchain network and receiving rewards for contributing to the network's security and operations.

  6. Built-in Exchange:

    • The wallet incorporates a built-in exchange that facilitates the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies using fiat currency. This feature provides users with a seamless way to convert between traditional currencies and cryptocurrencies.

  7. Private and Secure:

    • Atomic Wallet emphasizes user security and privacy. Users have control over their private keys, and sensitive information is stored locally on users' devices rather than on centralized servers. Additionally, the wallet encrypts data to enhance security.

  8. Backup and Recovery:

    • Atomic Wallet provides users with a 12-word backup phrase (seed phrase) during the wallet creation process. This phrase serves as a backup, allowing users to recover their wallet and funds if they lose access to their device.

Using Atomic Wallet:

  1. Installation:

    • Users can download and install Atomic Wallet on their preferred platform, whether it's a desktop or mobile device.

  2. Wallet Creation:

    • New users create a new wallet within Atomic Wallet, generating a seed phrase during the setup process. It is crucial to securely store and backup this seed phrase.

  3. Adding Assets:

    • Users can add various cryptocurrencies to their wallet by selecting from the list of supported assets or importing existing wallets using private keys.

  4. Atomic Swaps:

    • Atomic swaps can be initiated by selecting the assets to be exchanged and executing the swap directly within the wallet interface.

  5. Staking:

    • For supported staking assets, users can participate in staking directly from Atomic Wallet, earning rewards for contributing to the network.

  6. Security Measures:

    • Users are encouraged to set strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication (2FA), and securely store their backup phrase to ensure the security of their funds.

  7. Regular Updates:

    • It's advisable to keep the Atomic Wallet application updated to benefit from the latest features, security patches, and improvements.


Atomic Wallet offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing a diverse range of cryptocurrencies. Its emphasis on security, atomic swaps, staking, and cross-platform compatibility has contributed to its popularity among users. As with any cryptocurrency wallet, users should stay informed about updates, follow security best practices, and exercise caution to ensure the safety of their digital assets.

Last updated